Adding and Editing Holdings
  • 27 Jun 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Adding and Editing Holdings

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Article Summary

The Holdings Panel on the Resources View Page page lists your library's holdings (copies) for the selected resource. If your library has 5 copies of a title, they will be listed here. Each holding has a barcode, call number (usually the same for all), a Circulation Category (usually the same for all), the status (on loan, in library, etc.), as well as additional fields such as the acquisition date, the fund used to purchase it, and more.



Click the Edit button (looks like a pencil) on the Holdings Panel header to go into editing mode. Click Save to save any changes you have made or Cancel to cancel.

Click in any field and to make changes. Some fields, such as Category, have drop-down lists from which you can select. Date fields show a calendar you can use to select a date.

Use Caution when Editing Barcode Numbers
Barcode numbers are critical to being able to find resources by scanning barcode labels. If you change a barcode number without also changing the barcode label(s) on the item, things could get confusing! Barcode number fields are locked to prevent accidental changes. If you need to change a barcode number, click the lock button to un-lock the field.
Changing Status
It is possible to change the status from something such as "In Library" to "In Storage", but not to change anything related to circulation or lost status. For example, if you want to change a status from "On Loan" to "In Library", go to the Circulation : Transactions page and check it in.

Deleting Holdings

Click the red X next to a holding to remove it. Note that you cannot remove a holding that has ever been checked out as it is associated with a circulation transaction and is needed for statistical reports. If you want to remove it from your library and not have it appear in searches, change the status to Withdrawn.

📺 Video Tutorial

A video tutorial on this deleting resources is available on YouTube: Deleting and Withdrawing Resources

Adding New Holdings

If you want to add an additional holding, click the + Add Holding button while in Edit mode (see above).


The Add Holding button gives you the option to select the number of holdings you want to add. Typically, you'll just click Add 1 Holding to add a single holding, but you can change the quantity using the input below the button to add up to 100 holdings at once.

This adds one or more rows where you can enter the specifics for the new holding(s).


For convenience, much of the data for the new holding is carried forward from the last holding you added and the acquisition date is set to the current date. You might find that this is all you need, so you can just click Save without making any changes.

Note that the Barcode field shows "Automatic," meaning that Surpass Cloud will assign a barcode number for you automatically. If you want to assign a specific barcode number, click the lock button to un-lock the field and enter the barcode number.


You can change which columns are shown, the order in which they are shown, the widths of each, and how they are sorted.

Column Widths

To change the width of a column, drag the line between two column headings to the left or the right.

Sort Order

Click a column heading to sort the list by that column. Click it a second time to change the sort direction to or from ascending and descending. You can tell which column is sorted and the direction of the sort by the up- or down-pointing arrow on the right side of the column heading.

Column Layout

You can change which fields are shown in the result list and in what order using the Change Column Layout feature. To access this, click the menu button in the header and select Change Column Layout.



Drag and drop fields from the Available Columns list on the left to the Selected Columns list on the right. The Selected Columns list represents the columns that you'll see in the list. You can also rearrange the order by dragging and dropping. The field at the top of the list will be the one shown as the first (leftmost) column in the list.

Click the X button next to a field to remove it from the list.

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