Surpass Patron Record Import Format
  • 03 Mar 2022
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Surpass Patron Record Import Format

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Article summary

Surpass Cloud's standard patron import and export format consists of a CSV (comma-separated values) file with a specific set of columns, using specific column labels, in a specific order.

Details are Important
Many applications, including Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, can create CSV files, but that doesn't mean that Surpass Cloud can import patron record from any CSV file you might create. The file must have the columns that Surpass Cloud expects and in a specific order.
Perhaps the best way to see what Surpass expects in patron import files is to use Surpass Cloud to create a patron export file from Patrons : Export and view that file in a text editor such as Windows Notepad, which will allow you to view raw text file without any formatting. You can also open it in a spreadsheet app such as Microsoft Excel to see it formatted into nice rows and columns.

Column Layout

Surpass Patron Import Files have the following columns:

NumberPatron numberUsed for matching to existing patron records for updating. Required.
AlternateIdAlternate ID
GivenNameGiven name(s)
StreetStreet address
PostalCodePostal codeFormated to 99999 or 99999-9999
EmailCCAdditional Email for Notices
MobilePhoneCell phone
HomePhoneHome phone number
WorkPhoneWork phone number
OtherPhoneOther phone number
HomeLibraryHome library codeAn numeric code that uniquely identifies a library to Surpass.
LocalAddressPatron's local addressAddress within the facility, such as home room, office floor, etc.
ExpireDatePatron card expiration dateMust be in yyyy-mm-dd format.
UserDef1Custom patron field #1See Custom Patron Fields
UserDef2Custom patron field #2See Custom Patron Fields
UserDef3Custom patron field #3See Custom Patron Fields
UserDef4Custom patron field #4See Custom Patron Fields
UserDef5Custom patron field #5See Custom Patron Fields
UserDef6Custom patron field #6See Custom Patron Fields
UserDef7Custom patron field #7See Custom Patron Fields
UserDef8Custom patron field #8See Custom Patron Fields
UserDef9Custom patron field #9See Custom Patron Fields
UserDef10Custom patron field #10See Custom Patron Fields
TypeIdPatron type IDA unique identifier used within Surpass Cloud to identify a patron type (see below). If unknown, use TypeShortCaption field instead.
TypeShortCaptionPatron type captionPatron type short caption as defined on the Settings : Patrons : Types page.


  • Phone numbers are converted to (999)999-9999 format.
  • Custom Patron Fields are according to the settings on the Settings : Patrons : Custom Fields page. Number-type fields must contain only digits. Currency-type fields must contain only digits and a decimal point. Yes/No fields must contain either Y, N, T, F, 0, 1, Yes, No, True, or False.
  • Columns that you do not need can be omitted.
  • The only required field is Number (the first field).
Limited Support
Please keep in mind that Surpass Support cannot provide specific support for massaging your data into this format. The field definition used by Surpass Central patron data files is subject to change at any time without notice. The header names used above reflect the most current field definition.
An Easier Way!
Most Surpass users find it well worth the cost to have a custom patron import template created for them. A custom-created import template will allow you to very easily and quickly import your data directly into your Surpass system. Custom patron import templates can be used by your entire organization and can be reused as often as you like so your Surpass patron records are always up to date! While the specifications for patron data files used by Surpass Cloud may change, your template is based on your specifications and as such is not subject to change.

Patron Type IDs

The following are the standard internal Patron Type IDs used in Surpass Cloud. Please refer to this list when using TypeId to specify patron type. Note that the captions for these may have been changed in Settings : Patrons : Types, but they are assumed to have the same meanings.

IDPatron Type
11st Grade
22nd Grade
33rd Grade
44th Grade
55th Grade
66th Grade
77th Grade
88th Grade
99th Grade
1010th Grade
1111th Grade
1212th Grade

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