Unused Barcodes
  • 01 Feb 2020
  • 1 Minute to read
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Unused Barcodes

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Article summary

The Unused Barcodes report lists the barcode number ranges that have not been used. This is useful if you are looking for a range of barcode numbers to assign to vendors. The report also shows the lowest and highest barcode numbers in use and the largest area of unused barcode numbers.




  • Sort by - You can sort by the size of the unused barcode range (from largest to smallest) or by barcode number.

  • Minimum range size - Use this to set the minimum size of ranges you want to see. For example, if you're looking for a large block of unused barcode numbers, set this value higher.

  • Show unused barcode ranges for numbers between - If you want to see unused barcodes within a certain range of barcode numbers, enter the starting and ending barcode numbers for that range here.

Viewing, Printing, and Downloading

The report can be viewed on-screen, printed, or downloaded as a PDF. See Viewing and Printing Reports.

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