Library Usage
  • 26 Feb 2020
  • 1 Minute to read
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Library Usage

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Article summary

The Library Usage report is a list of patrons and the number of times each has used the library (checked out) during a given range of dates.




  • Circulation date range - The range of dates to use when determining how many times each patron has borrowed something from the library.

  • Exclude patrons with no circulation in date range - Check this box if you don't want patrons with 0 check outs to be included on the report.

Selecting Records

The next step is to select which patrons with overdue loans you want to include on the report, using either Basic or Advanced record selection options. See Selecting Records for Patron Reports for detailed instructions.

Multi-Location/Branch Library Systems

If your library is part of a system that has multiple locations or branches, the report will be based on the selected location at the top of the page and whether you have selected All Locations or Selected Location Only.


Viewing, Printing, and Downloading

The report can be viewed on-screen, printed, or downloaded as a PDF. See Viewing and Printing Reports.

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