  • 26 Aug 2021
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Article summary

The All Settings page is your gateway to all Surpass Cloud settings.

All of the settings shown on this page are also available directly from the submenus under the Settings main menu item.




Barcode format, call number format, automatic inventory, etc.

Cataloging Sources

Select which library databases you want to use as sources for cataloging records, and adjust search and record clean-up options.


Define categories for different library resource types. Categories determine how resources are circulated and how they appear to users in the public catalog.


Collections are groups of "tagged" library resources used for resource lists, special circulation situations, reporting, etc.

Status Codes

In addition to built-in resource status codes such as "In Library," "Checked Out", and "Withdrawn," you may define custom status codes to meet your library's specific needs.

Condition Classifications

Define classifications, such as "Excellent," "Good," "Fair," and "Poor," for the physical condition of library resources, and specify whether resources with given conditions appear in the public catalog and/or can be checked out.

Damage Classifications

Define categories of damage to resources, such as "torn," "ink marks," and "broken," and specify the default amounts to charge responsible parties for each classifcation.


Editing templates define the user-friendly editing page layouts for different types of library resources.

MARC Fields

View definitions for standard MARC fields and define custom fields for your library's specific cataloging needs.

Reserved Barcodes

Reserve barcode ranges assigned to book vendors and for any other purposes you might have, preventing Surpass Cloud from automatically assigning numbers within given ranges.



Barcode format, circulation history, personal lists, etc.


Define patron types to be used in circulation rules, setting limits, organizing reports, etc.

Custom Fields

Define custom fields for patron records to hold information on patrons beyond the pre-defined fields such as name, address, email, etc.


Set up the text that appears on reminder, overdue, and other types of patron notices.


Organize patrons into groups, which may be used for reporting and further refining circulation rules. Patrons may have only one type but be members of multiple groups.



Enable or disable certain alert messages shown, sounds made, and other miscellaneous preferences for performing circulation transactions.


Rules to determine due dates, renewal limits, late fees, etc.


Holdiays and other dates when the library is closed.

Final Due Dates

Define date(s) when all resources must be returned to the library for inventory, end of year, etc.

Family Rules

Define whether and how one family member's overdues or fines affect other family members.


Configure the patron Self-Check application, which allows patrons to check out, renew, and check in resources without having to visit a staffed circulation desk.


Configure how and when receipts are emailed to patrons.

SIP Service

Configure Surpass Cloud SIP Service, an optional subscription service to provide integration with e-book service providers.

Public Catalog (OPAC)


Create and manage OPAC sites, and change settings to determine which features are available and adjust the details of how they function. Home page appearance, including banner image, logo, and widgets, can be configured directly on the OPAC site by OPAC administrators.

Awards & Honors

Select which awards and honors to show in the Public Catalog.

Review Categories

Create and manage review categories to show in the Public Catalog.



Define whether Surpass Support personnel may login to your system to provide assistance and set an automatic inactivity timeout.


Define user roles to determine what users can and cannot do within the library system.


Regional Settings

Configure Surpass Cloud to use the formats used in your region for dates, times, currency, measurements, etc.

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