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Surpass Cloud requires that your web browser have access to the following domains. If your network's firewall blocks all unknown domains, please add these to your firewall whitelist.
This information is intended for IT personnel at sites where access to external websites and domains is highly restricted by a network firewall. Most users, even those with a network firewall, can disregard this.
*.ebscohost.com (if NoveList is enabled in OPAC)
*.facebook.net (if Facebook login is enabled in OPAC)
*.googletagmanager.com (if Google Analytics is enabled in OPAC)
*.google-analytics.com (if Google Analytics is enabled in OPAC)
If your Surpass records contain links to external content, such as ebooks, cover images, documents, etc., the domains for that content should also be whitelisted.
Note: It is possible that we might have overlooked some domains while compiling this list. If you find that one or more pages in Surpass Cloud are not working correctly, please contact Surpass Support.