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Most libraries serve no purpose without patrons, and your automation project with Surpass is likewise not complete until you have added records for each one of your library's patrons. There are two different ways you can add patron records to your Surpass database:
Manual Data Entry
If your patron data is not already digitized in some form, then this is your only option. If your patrons' information already exists in another non-Surpass electronic database, however, you should definitely skip this option. You won't want to waste valuable time and resources needlessly re-entering patron information.
Even if you're planning to import your patron records from an outside source, you will occasionally (or even often) have the need to add records for new patrons as they join your library.
Patron records can be added and edited on the Patrons : View page.
Import Using Surpass' Standard Format
Surpass Cloud's Importing Patron Records feature allows you to import patron records from a CSV file laid out in a specific format. CSV stands for "comma-separated values." It is a relatively simple text file that has one line for each record and the fields (values) are in a specific order, separated by commas. Many applications are able to export data in CSV format, including Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.
The CSV file you export must have the column headings and order that Surpass expects. See Surpass Patron Record Import Format for details.
Import Using a Custom Template
If your patron data routinely comes from another system, such as a student information system, Surpass can customize a patron import template to import data in the format created by your other system. Surpass Software can take a sample of the data you export from your non-Surpass patron information database or spreadsheet and create a Custom Patron Import Template that will automatically import patron data in its native format to your Surpass database. There is a nominal one-time charge for creating this custom template, but it can be used by all of the libraries in your Surpass Cloud system at no additional charge.
If you would like more information on obtaining and/or using a custom Pimport template, please contact Surpass Support.
Your IT department might be able to schedule regular updates of patron records from a Student Information System or other database. See Automating Patron Import for more information.